There is a problem with this websites files


File typeReason
.PHPMissing files, corrupt files or files not compatible with PHP version.
.htaccessIncorrect statements in file. Correct error in file.
.user.iniIncorrect statements in file. Correct error in file.

Please login to your controlpanel and view the ERRORLOG for this web site.

Login to your controlpanel
Click the domain after logging in
Click the Statistics/Statistikker icon

Now you can view your ERRORLOG and with your webdesigner correct the problem (if shown).

If your website is a WordPress based website and your TEMPLATE is causing problems, log into your server with your FTP program (FileZilla is a good choice) and rename the folder containing your WordPress template, when WordPress cannot find the selected template it will use the default one. If it is a plugin you can also rename the plugin causing the problems.

Plugins are in the /wp-content/plugins folder
Templates are in the /wp-content/themes folder

BACKUP/DOWNLOAD all your files BEFORE deleting or renaming any files/folders.